Now that Liam is 5 months old, I wanted to share some of our favorites from the previous two months – we continue to use all of these things daily!
Liam is so big! At our 4 month appointment he was off the charts at:
- 19-lbs 2.8-oz
- 26.8 inches!
- I’m rolling from my back to my tummy
- I started swim lessons, and can float on my tummy to daddy from a few feet away
- My favorite songs are The Wheels on the Bus and the Itsy Bitsy Spider!
1. Green Toys Twist Teether Toy – Liam loves to shake this thing around, and he loves the sound that it makes. It’s so fun to watch him – although he does get a little wild with it at times – you have to keep your distance!
2. Lamaze Cloth Book, Peek-A-Boo Forest – Liam received this as a Christmas gift from his Susu & Poppy – it is really cute, he loves to eat it, and it makes lots of fun crinkly noises. I think this will be a favorite for a long time (especially as he gets more into “peek-a-boo”).
3. Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo – The jumperoo keeps getting better. He mostly played with the toys at 3 and 4 months, now he is a jumping machine. I think there is a reason this has been on the market for so long – babies absolutely love it!
4. Sassy Rattlin Rings, Blue/Black – Liam LOVES this ring. The hubs ordered it after reading that simple rings were the best toys for young babies. It is easy for him to grab ahold of, he likes to chew on the ball, and shake it to make noise.
5. Belly Button Book – I’m not sure who loves this book more, Liam or mommy, but it makes it into our daily rotation. It’s such a cute story, and I love reading it to him (over and over again)!
6. Nuby Teethe-eez Soft Silicone Teether with Bristles – This is seriously the best teether for young babies! I don’t understand why they make so many teethers from hard plastic for these little babies with sensitive gums. I picked this one up from our local CVS and Liam loves it – it’s perfect for helping cut those first teeth!
7. Fisher-Price Kick and Play Piano Gym – This became a favorite towards the end of month four, and we are still using it just about every day. Our little man loves to look at himself in the mirror and enjoys kicking the piano keys with his feet. I’ve even flipped the piano up and sat at the end of the play mat with him so he could bang on the keys with his hands. So much fun!