Liam Thomas – 12 – 14 Month Updates

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The months are still flying by… I can’t believe Liam will be 15 months old in a couple of weeks! I am SO behind on his monthly updates it’s embarrassing! He is a ball of energy, and definitely keeps my on my toes! This afternoon we took a walk to the store, stopped at Starbucks to get mama a Pumpkin Spice Latte, and walked back on the boardwalk. One of his favorite new spots is Crystal Pier, he loves when we walk out to watch the surfers and I let him run around on the wooden boards. He likes to watch the waves from between the wooden slats.

We had such a fun Halloween with our little lion. We went trick-or-treating in Coronado on Saturday and went to a friend’s party on Sunday. We taught Liam that ghosts say BOO! and he can Roar like a lion…so he was absolutely adorable!

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He is talking so much already, and I’ve been wanting to write down what he’s saying so I remember, so I thought it might be fun to share it with you!

Liam’s First Words:

  • Dada
  • Mama (came a few long weeks later! haha)
  • down
  • dogdog
  • moon
  • bear
  • balloon
  • bubble
  • cheetah
  • blue
  • stick
  • Boo!
  • zebra
  • ball
  • basketball
  • baseball
  • ba bye
  • bird (he also does the sign for this with his two little finger and it melts my heart!)
  • num
  • giraffe
  • papa
  • pumpkin
  • pup

Animal Sounds:

  • ribbit
  • meow meow
  • roar (for a bear)
  • rawr (for lions, tigers, and any big cats)
  • ssss (for a snake)
  • fish lips (sometimes he says bubble)

He also makes an elephant sound and raises his arm for ele’s trunk, claps his hands together for an alligator/crocodile, and pounds on his chest to mimic a gorilla.

We’ve been having too much fun with all of these words and noises, and it seems he’s picking up more everyday! A few weeks ago we taught him the song Heyyyy Hey Baby, and he does the Oooh Ah! part. It is so cute! He loves music and dancing. One of his favorite times of the day is when daddy gets home from work and plays the ukelele for him. Liam bounces up and down and shakes his little butt.

We’ve taken some fun trips to the Zoo these past couple of months, and he’s been really into the animals and so excited to see them! Thanks to Susu and Poppy for the gift! We’ve been making good use of our Zoo passes and have had so much fun with them already!! Liam has such a love for animals and it is evident in the joy on his face whenever we cross paths with a doggy or a kitty.

Liam is eating pretty much everything we eat these days, and still nursing before bedtime and naps. His favorite foods right now are grapes, vegetarian Swedish meatballs from Ikea, and apples! He can eat an entire apple himself! I would really like to take him apple picking while they are in season!

He is still a growing boy and wearing size 2T in pretty much everything. Some of the pants are a bit long, but I’m sure they’ll fit him perfectly later this fall. He is currently 26 lbs. and 32″ tall.

He is also continuing his obsession with all things skateboards or scooters! He has now figured out how to stand and kick on his scooter, so we got him a new helmet and pads for playing outside.

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We are so looking forward to visiting family for Thanksgiving in a couple of weeks and are counting down the days. I am already thinking about Christmas also, and how much fun it will be celebrating with our little snuggle bug this year! I am hoping to write more again these next couple of months…I’ve missed this time reflecting on our lives and all the things that amaze our little man every day. I want to treasure these moments and remember them forever. I am so grateful for this life.

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